October 2023

Ihme (DE Viesker VII) got his last agility certificate so now he is both agility and jumping champion 😍 And he also passed Finnish mental test (LT) with +140 points and secure to shots!

3 Pinner boys have done there MH, Gibson, Swix and Fogg. The complete results can be see on SKK results.

«Harly» DE Small Chance of Success II is still going strong at 13 years and his owner «make» him do courses and have fun all the time. Still fit as a fiddle 🥰

Saint and I went to what we believed would be a small local show. 2500 dogs where entered 🙈 Saint went BOB and even got shortlisted (6 breeds) but dident get placed. No shame in that because on the 4 places where dogs who place regularly at large international shows around Europe.

«Kermit» DeepEyes Pin’em Up X has his health results: HD B/A, ED 0/0, LTV0, VA0 and OCD free. 🥳

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